Are you feeling stuck right now? So many people are asking for advice on where to start – “Tell me what to do!”
During this COVID19 pandemic, you might be stuck at home. Your work schedule might be different or your kids are out of school. Your regular activities are on hold. At the very least, it can be said your life is not in normal mode.
I’m hearing from my clients and friends that they are not sure what to do right now. They’ve been enjoying the change of pace and being able to stop the frenzy of non-stop weekly activities, but now, a week into it, they feel stuck.
They can feel their lives sliding downhill. Their homes are looking trashed. Their schedules are out the window. Their children are going stir-crazy. The initial energy from last week has fizzled out.
Their texts and messages all say one thing. “Tell me what to do!”
So, to help answer the question I’m hearing over and over again, I will post a series of blog entries to help get us unstuck and hopefully back on track – even though we don’t know where we are going or what time we’ll get there.
Let’s start with some basics:
Creating some sort of schedule (even an extremely fluid one) and some boundaries will help get you unstuck.
- Set up a wake-up time and a go-to-bed time. You don’t want your body clock to get out of wack.
2. Plan a morning routine. We’ll talk about that in tomorrow’s post.
3. Make sure you go outside at some point during the day – even if it’s raining.
4. Plan some fun and interesting things to do. Things that aren’t in your usual repertoire.
5. With limited food supplies available, create a menu, including snacks, so you don’t find out later that you’ve eaten all of the “good food” first.
6. Use the extra time around the house to tackle a project or activity you’ve needed or wanted to get done.
Who’s ready to get un-stuck? Tune in tomorrow for ideas on planning a morning routine.